
RAÍCES Program

RAÍCES Program


The aim of RAICES is to strengthen the Country's scientific and technological capabilities by developing policies which create bonds with Argentinean researchers residing abroad, and the RETURN of those interested in carrying out and developing their activities in Argentina.

Objectives of the Program:

1. Spreading abroad the Country's scientific and technological capabilities through the development of policies encouraging the development of bonds with Argentinean researchers living in the Country and abroad.

2. Developing networks of Argentinean researchers residing abroad.

The Program makes use of:

  • The Return Subsidy whose purpose is to promote the return of Argentinean researchers residing abroad.

  • The César Milstein Subsidy that gives financial contributions for transfers and stays between one month and one year in Argentine (it can be used to carry out seminars, courses, researches and living of students writing a graduation

  • A system of circulation and diffusion in development of the CV of the interested people through our databank of industries, institutes and universities.

  • A system of diffusion of highly qualified work offers in Argentine.

  • Seminars and Study Meetings to promote the cultural exchange between Argentineans residing in the Country and those living abroad.

To get in touch with RAICES programs please contact:

RAICES ProgramDirección de Relaciones Internacionales
Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva
Córdoba 831 4to. Of. 411 (C1054AAH), Bs. As.
Tel (5411) 4315-3288/4312-7512/13 int. 411—Fax: (5411) 4312-7203

www.raices.secyt.gov.ar - e-mail: raices@correo.sectyt.gov.ar



Updated date: 17/02/2012